# 简单例子

# 条件渲染(原生 JavaScript 例子)

使用 observable-hooks 你甚至可以得到 React 元素流。如果想用 Suspense 可以看看 Render-as-You-Fetch (using Suspense)

这会影响到虚拟 DOM 么?不会的,React 元素都是普通对象。 实际上重新渲染时这会比使用 Suspense 或错误边界要快,因为:

  1. 它不需要 throw 并依赖 trycatch。但当然后者这么做可以支持类似 Context 的使用。
  2. React 重新渲染父组件的时侯不需要对没有用到的分支也重新计算一遍。甚至如果没有新的值产生子组件都不会被重新渲染。它就像一层天然的缓存。
import { from, of } from 'rxjs'
import { map, switchMap, startWith, catchError } from 'rxjs/operators'
import { useObservableState } from 'observable-hooks'
import { fetchData } from './api'
import { DefaultUI, SuccessUI, LoadingUI, FailedUI } from './components'

export function App() {
  const [status, onFetchData] = useObservableState(
    event$ => event$.pipe(
      // OMG I don't have to deal with race condition
      switchMap(event =>
          map(value => <SuccessUI value={value} />),
          // handle errors on sub-stream so that main stream stays alive
          catchError(error => of(<FailedUI error={error} />)),
          // show loading state immediately
          startWith(<LoadingUI />)
    () =>  <DefaultUI /> // initial state

  return (
      <button id="data1" onClick={onFetchData}>fetch</button>

# 防抖输入校验(原生 JavaScript 例子)

import React from 'react'
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'
import { withLatestFrom, switchMap, debounceTime, pluck } from 'rxjs/operators'
import { useObservable, useObservableState, pluckFirst } from 'observable-hooks'

const checkText = (text, uuid) =>
    .then(response => response.ok)
    .catch(() => false)

export const App = props => {
  // `pluckFirst` 是一个简单的辅助方法
  // 相当于 `inputs$ => inputs$.pipe(map(inputs => inputs[0]))`
  const uuid$ = useObservable(pluckFirst, [props.uuid])

  const [isValid, onChange] = useObservableState(
    event$ =>
        // React 合成事件对象会被自动回收
        // 先把值取出来
        pluck('currentTarget', 'value'),
        switchMap(([text, uuid]) => checkText(text, uuid))

  return (
      <input onChange={onChange} />
      <button type="submit" disabled={!isValid}>

App.propTypes = {
  uuid: PropTypes.string

# 自动取消(TypeScript 例子)

import React, { FC, useState } from 'react'
import { timer, empty } from 'rxjs'
import { switchMap, mapTo } from 'rxjs/operators'
import { useObservable, useSubscription } from 'observable-hooks'

const sendBeacon = (beacon: string) => fetch(`https://api?beacon=${beacon}`)

export interface AppProps {
  beacon: string

export const App: FC<AppProps> = props => {
  const [shouldSendBeacon, setShouldSendBeacon] = useState(false)

  const beacon$ = useObservable(
    inputs$ =>
        // auto-cancelation
        switchMap(([shouldSendBeacon, beacon]) =>
          shouldSendBeacon ? timer(1000).pipe(mapTo(beacon)) : empty()
    [shouldSendBeacon, props.beacon]

  useSubscription(beacon$, sendBeacon)

  return (
        onChange={e => setShouldSendBeacon(e.currentTarget.checked)}
      Should Send Beacon